I'm starting to make music, would you like to see a 'My Music' section?

Welcome to my webpage!


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spinning globe

This website is a place where I post things about myself. To start, click on one of the hyperlinks in the footer, or read this brief summary about myself:

I'm from the UK and I'm currently learning how to code in HTML, CSS, PHP and Python. I'm most interested in Front-End Development, although I also have interests in coding programs. You can see some of the programs that I've made in the 'Cool Stuff' hyperlink in the footer. I have other interests other than coding as well. I'm interested in music, art, drama and science.

Questions you might have:

Why did I make this website? I made this website to test my development skills, share it with my friends and get more used to front-end development.
How did I make this website? I host this server on a local computer, so first I had to set up port forwarding on my router. Then, to make things easier, I set my Raspberry Pi (my server) to sync to my OneDrive every minute now I use SSH(!) so I don't have to open my server to edit my webpage. Then, it was a simple matter of installing my website hosting tool, Apache, and starting coding. https://www.w3schools.com is a good place to start.
What am I planning on doing in the future? In the future, I'm planning to make a few useful programs (I'm thinking of making a physics simulator of some kind) and making my website presentable.
How can I contact you? I'm planning on adding a forum to my webpage soon, and contact details can be found below.
How can I view the source code of this website? For sites ending in .html, right click anywhere on this webpage and click Inspect (Element) to view the source code of the page you are on, however for sites ending in .php, you are unable to view the source code. Also, I may be posting a download of the full website soon.

Link not working? Manually email [email protected]
Made in HTML and PHP using Notepad++. Um, it's actually Microsoft Windows but okay.